DaVinci Elementary is a 5 day a week traditional elementary program while DaVinci Flex is mix of online and 2 day onsite learning. Please visit the DaVinci Flex page to learn more about the Distance Flex Program. Davinci elementary program is described below.
All students wishing to attend DaVinci Academy elementary must fill out an application/enrollment paperwork for the year in which the wish to attend. Once the application/enrollment packet is completed and submitted, your student will be placed in our Lottery. If you child is drawn, you will be contacted by a staff member.
We accept students through the year and use a wait list to accept students who are still interested in attending DaVinci. Students wishing to transfer to DaVinci need to fill out the online application (see Apply/Enroll below) and get all required paperwork in to the main office. Once that has been taken care of then you will be added to the wait list.
Each year DaVinci Academy accepts around 150 to 200 new students for the next upcoming school year. These numbers include new kindergarteners, seventh graders, and other open positions for all grades. Parents can choose which school year they want to apply for.
DaVinci is a public school and follows all local, state, and federal fee policies.
Ready To Apply?
Click the link below to begin your application process.